Bouquet of 8 red carnations
Express your love and admiration with this stunning bouquet of vibrant red carnations, delicately paired with charming white berries for a classic and elegant look. Wrapped in a stylish red and pink translucent paper and finished with a bold red ribbon, this bouquet exudes grace and sophistication.
Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to brighten someone’s day, this thoughtful arrangement is a timeless gift to show how much you care. Each flower is carefully selected and arranged to ensure freshness and beauty upon delivery.
Color Palette: | This product includes: |
Delivery Location | |
Available for delivery throughout Iran |
Care Instructions:
- Use a clean vase and clean fresh tap water.
- Cut approximately 1cm-2cm from the ends of the stems at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Remove the leaves and foliage below the waterline but do not remove all leaves along the stem length.
- To refresh flowers after 2-3 days, remove any drooping flowers, leaves and foliage, re-cut the stems and replace them with fresh tap water.
- Do not place your flowers in direct sunlight or nearby any other source of excessive heat.
- Avoid keeping flowers directly under the ceiling fan and facing of Air Conditioner.
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