Indulge your special someone with our Sweet Romance Rose Bouquet with Chocolate, a delightful combination of exquisite roses and delectable chocolates. This charming gift is perfect for expressing love and appreciation.
This elegant bouquet includes:
- 3 Light Pink Roses: Representing admiration and sweetness, these light pink roses add a touch of grace.
- 3 Red Roses: Symbolizing deep love and passion, the classic red roses convey heartfelt emotions.
- 2 FNP Chocolate Bars: Treat your loved one to the rich and luxurious taste of FNP chocolate bars, adding a sweet touch to this beautiful arrangement.
- Filler – Cinerea Eucalyptus: Fresh cinerea eucalyptus leaves enhance the bouquet’s beauty and add a soothing fragrance.
Beautifully wrapped, this bouquet is designed to impress and delight your loved ones.
Order the Sweet Romance Rose Bouquet with Chocolate today and enjoy fresh, fast delivery to Singapore!
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